I can’t tell you how many people have commented about how tone my arms are now! I’m beyond flattered and happy because my hard work over the last several months is clearly paying off. Since so many people have asked about how I’ve achieved perfectly toned arms I decided to share my 5 exercises for toned arms with you all!
But first, let me just say this… My arms have always been the easiest and first thing to tone up when I start working out on a regular basis. I think a lot of it might be genetic, but that’s not to say these workouts won’t work for you. I started with VIVE personal training last fall, but in March I created the “body reset” based off of everything I was learning from Jon at VIVE. That’s what has really helped me tone up all over my body!
The majority of my workouts are strength training (or weight training) which is proven to burn 40% more calories over 24-48 hours after your workout. Crazy?! I know! But it’s soooooooo true. You could only do 3 of these workouts a week and see results faster than almost any other workout.
TIP: The key to all of these workouts is very SLOW and CONTROLLED movements.
4 rounds of each workout
6-8 reps each round
3-4 second count down + fast punch up/out
12-15 pound weights
(use your own judgement but you need heavy weights!)
It’s time to take your traditional push up to the next level. You don’t need heavy weights for these since you aren’t lifting. Once you are in a plank position shift your shoulders slightly over the weights so you are basically on your tip toes. Use knees to push up if needed.

Start with arms up in the air. Slowly lower with control for 4-6 seconds then accelerate upwards. Keep feet at a stance OR drop down to one knee to make it harder. You do want heavier weights for this exercise! I started out around 10 pounds and now I’m up to 15-20 pound weights.
*It’s very important to squeeze the back shoulder blades together while doing this exercise.

Start with arm up by your waist. Squeeze the dumbbell at the top and then slowly lower with control again for 4-6 seconds. *Be sure to keep knee slightly over the ankle (this is probably not what most people would recommend, but I’ve learned it’s actually better). Also, stay in a very low lunge.
Start with arms bent at the top. Slowly lower down for 4-6 seconds. Drop one leg if you start to get shaky/tired. This exercise helps a ton with strength and burning fat.
*Keep hips up and squeeze butt. Make sure to pull shoulder blades together at the top!
Again, start with arm bent and even with your waist. Keep feet shoulder width apart (try not to drop to your knees). Slowly lower the arm straight down for 3-4 seconds then quickly pull weight back to waist.
*The goal is to keep your hips square and no rotating motion when bringing arm up and down.
And there you have it people… My 5 workouts for perfectly toned arms! I hope this was informative enough for you all, but if you have any questions please leave them below!
Once again, everything I’m telling you is based off of what I’ve learned at VIVE. They are seriously the smartest and most helpful guys to work with so if you’re in Dallas go check them out! If I haven’t convinced you enough that VIVE is ah-mazing then let me tell you about the picture below…
This is their new body fat scanning machine. Eek! Not going to lie I was a little terrified to get on this thing and get my results. The last time we checked my body fat % was at the beginning of May. Thanks to my “body reset” I lost 2.7% body fat in just 6-weeks. So considering I’d hadn’t been as strict with my “body reset” diet and traveling a TON over the summer I wasn’t expecting great test results.
Guess what? I lost another 3% body fat!!!!! I was SO excited! If this isn’t proof that you can get in shape while still enjoying life I don’t know what is?!
photos: Beckley Co.
How Perfect your body! The hard work out is worth!
Annie From https://anniejewel.com/
Great post! Your arms are a beast! Definitely envious. I’ve always had the hardest time toning up my arms so I definitely need to try these workouts!