
Holy cow I’m 29 years old! I’ll admit I have not been that excited about this birthday…it’s too close to the big 3-0. The last few years have been incredible, but I kinda feel like I’ve been in a slump lately. It’s time to figure out a way to change that and make this year the best one yet. I thought I would start out by giving YOU, my readers and friends, a look into “the blonde” life. What I love, hate, fear, dream, and more!

#1: What do you love most about your life right now? I asked my friends to come up with some questions, and the first one they asked was about them lol. However, they are what I love most about my life right now. Without them I don’t know how I would get through these crazy years in my twenties.

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#2: What’s your biggest success and biggest failure? My biggest success has absolutely been my career. I started my own digital marketing agency 5 years ago, and I’ve been extremely lucky to do what I love. My biggest failure…not sure on this one, but I’m sure there are plenty. Probably a lot of bad choices with boyfriends and not standing up for what I deserve.

#3: Besides blogging, what is your passion? My absolute biggest passion even over blogging is cooking. Opening a bottle of wine, and trying a new recipe is my favorite. I just love hosting and cooking for my friends. I started a “Bachelor Monday” night with my girlfriends which I look forward to every week. I also started our annual “Friendsgiving” a few years ago. My biggest cooking accomplishment was just a few days ago when I made homemade pasta, and it was absolutely delicious!!


#4: What are your favorite indulgences? Wine, wine, and more wine. Since I went to Napa last fall, and Italy in April I am obsessed with learning about all things wine. If I really want to indulge, I will get an amazing bottle of wine I’ve never tried.

#5: What do you want to accomplish before you turn 30? Hmmm….. Honestly, I feel like I’ve accomplished quite a bit in the last few years. I’d love for my company to continue to grow, and take the blog to another level. I’d also love to start a new business venture if I could, but I don’t know what that is yet. I have always been a dreamer, and dreams do come true.

#6: What is your biggest fear? My biggest fear right now is probably the same as a lot of women my age…not getting married. I was close to getting married a few years ago, but God knew that wasn’t the right person for me and I’m so thankful for that. In every other aspect of my life I am extremely confident and independent, but when it comes to men that all goes out the door.

#7: How did you end up in Dallas, and would you ever move? I knew I wanted to get out of Oklahoma for college. My parents weren’t too happy when I didn’t apply to any college in state. Oops! I actually got into SMU last minute, and my 4 years in Dallas at college were so fun I can’t even explain it. Once I was here in Dallas, I knew I wasn’t going anywhere for a while. I want to end up in Dallas when I have a family, but if another opportunity came up for me to move I think I might do it at this point in my life.


#8: What’s your daily routine? There really isn’t a day that is the same. Since I get to be my own boss, I can make my own schedule (woo woo!). Now that doesn’t mean I go shopping all day every day even though I wish I could… Most days I get up and do my blog post each morning while having coffee or I’ll go to Starbucks to work. TRUTH: I wear yoga clothes most days! I take a break to run errands or have meetings in the middle of the day, and then spend the afternoon finishing up work for my clients. I try to workout every evening, but sometimes events or happy hours just get in the way!

#9: What were you like as a child? Oh geez…I was your typical little diva and daddy’s girl. I had crazy long blonde hair, and made my mom curl it in sponge rollers all the time. I hated peanut butter and cheese (weird kid I know…). I was a sassy pants, and not too long ago I found out I told my dad “It’s not my responsibility to go outside and play.”  one-small-blonde-interior-design-3576
#10: What advice would you give to yourself 5 years ago? That’s a big question… I think I’ve changed in the last 2 years more than ever. I’ve learned a ton about being an entrepreneur, and work/life balance. I know exactly what I want and what I deserve in my next relationship. I’ve learned to completely trust God in any and all situations even though I still struggle sometimes to understand his plan. So…I think the best advice I could give myself or anyone else trying to figure things out in their twenties is trust your gut (it’s always right), it’s okay to be selfish in some situations, be yourself and don’t apologize for it because it will only help you grow, and “Let go, Let God”

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  1. Great post! I’m going to Italy in June and would love to see a post from you on what to wear, favorite places, etc.!

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