Umm hi, did you know it’s the holiday season? Yeah. I’ve been in denial that it’s officially that season mainly because it’s always my busy season and usually the most stressful for me so I just have tried not to think about it. Today it hit me. Literally, looked at my calendar and had a…
Welcome to my “Physically FIIT” series! A few weeks ago, I introduced you all to the “Financially FIIT” series and explained a little about this new three part series I’m doing with the boys. I’m sure many of you all have seen Spencer on my Insta stories (no he is not my boyfriend!) during a…
I’m SO excited to introduce this new series “Financially FIIT” to you all!! It’s actually going to be a 3-part series including: Financially FIIT, Physically FIIT, and Fashionably FIIT! So get ready for some amazing new content (and some your man will enjoy too!) WHY I HIRED A FINANCIAL ADVISOR Okay so you know you’re…
I can’t tell you how many people have commented about how tone my arms are now! I’m beyond flattered and happy because my hard work over the last several months is clearly paying off. Since so many people have asked about how I’ve achieved perfectly toned arms I decided to share my 5 exercises for…