Happy Holidays y’all! The first Christmas in my house didn’t count because I moved in a week before Christmas… I was so excited to go all out with holiday decorating last year, but I’m even more excited this year now that I finally feel like this house is becoming a “home”. Since moving in two years ago things have been constantly in motion with house renovations and getting Charlie. Luckily, the guest bathroom was the last project and it’s done!

Another reason this house feels more like a “home” this Christmas season is because I put up Christmas lights outside! Classic white…duh. Walking up to the house with the lights on and Charlie sitting in the window made my heart happy.

I’ve had my flocked Christmas tree for a few years and still love it so much. This year I bought a new tree skirt because I’m also adding a tree in the office now that we have a real Muse “team” office so I want it to be festive for the team while working.

So let’s talk about holiday shopping and gifts… I haven’t even started not going to lie. However, I do have all of my Gift Guides done for you all! You can shop all of them here.

Don’t worry you still have time to get your shopping done and nobody will know it’s last minute. Who hasn’t been there before, right?

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  1. Awww, I love how festive your apartment is! And puppy snuggles at home on the sofa WHILE WATCHING CHRISTMAS MOVIES?! Doesn’t get much better than that 🙂 XOXO

  2. Hi! I was wondering where you got your acrylic wine bottle holder from? I can’t seem to find one like it anywhere.

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